Let's Do Something Incredible Together

This is for the stay at home mom who wants to experience a more fun, easeful, relaxed, aligned mom life. It's about lightening the load of motherhood so you can actually enjoy the time with your family. It's honoring what makes you happy and doing what works for you - whatever that looks like. It's treating yourself like the important, appreciated, worthy badass you are. 

Hi there,

beautiful mama,

you're not alone.

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar...

You're sipping lukewarm coffee on who knows what day it is. You're wearing the same sweats as yesterday, with a fresh spit up stain on your shirt. You're surrounded by things that need doing so you feel guilty taking that shower you reallyyy need. You can't remember the last time you connected with anyone outside your house.  You wanna go do something, but getting everyone out the door is so stressful it's not even worth it. Your days are always busy yet somehow you feel like you're not accomplishing anything. You're thinking...

When am I ever going to have time for me
I miss the old me, I barely recognize myself anymore.
I should be loving everything about life right now, but I'm just not. 
Maybe this stay at home mom thing isn't for me.

i see you and i've been there...

and nowI want
 to support you!

I remember waking up one day thinking holy shit, something has to change. I can't do this anymore.

I was having this push and pull experience of loving my kids so freaking much and wanting to be home with them, but also feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated, needing more time and space to myself, and craving something outside of momming 24/7 to fill me up. I was so grateful that I could be a stay at home mom, but something about it just wasn't lighting me up anymore. Many days I felt bored, impatient, resentful, stressed, scattered, or lonely. I was just going through the motions trying to get through the day, knowing deep down there had to be a better, more fulfilling way to be.

I started making small changes towards the mom I wanted to be. I rewrote old stories that said all moms are overwhelmed, hot messes, and have to put themselves last. I adopted new beliefs about what motherhood can look like and how good it can get. I stopped feeling guilty and found ways to show up for myself, challenge myself, and keep connected to others. I started embodying a different energy that allowed for more relaxation, fun, ease, and excitement in my days. My joy, calm, and enthusiasm for life came back full force.

I saw that the happier and healthier I was, everyone benefitted. And it was possible to create a life that felt so so good to me and still allowed me to stay home with my babes.

Mentoring MAY BE FOR YOU IF:

You want SAHM life to feel lighter & easier so you can enjoy the time with your kids more

You want to create more time for yourself to do what makes you feel good, guilt-free

You want to wake up excited to parent, and to be energized & present in your days

You want ongoing support & connection with someone who's walked the path

I'm here to show you that with strategic and energetic shifts you can create a life you're freaking obsessed with. And it's mom life on your terms, where you learn to tune out all the other noise and feel confident doing whatever works for you.  

you're in the right place.

you might be:

Burned out and exhausted because you’re trying to do it all (yet still feeling like it’s never enough)

Craving downtime and trying to remember what self-care even is

TRIGGERED BY THE SIGHTS, SOUNDS, messes, touches, AND constant stimuli OF motherhood


being a jerk to yourself, obsessing over your flaws, comparing yourself to other moms

The results

 What if you could?

fit self-care & downtime in even on the busiest days


REDUCE OVERWHELM & overstimulation so you feel more CALM

protect your boundaries and energy, communicate your needs better

BE TOTALLY OKAY WITH NOT DOING everything, all the time, FOR EVERYOne else

I want in!!

yesss, let's do this

SHUT DOWN YOUR inner mean girl AND Be way kinder to yourself


I'm all in! voxer + Calls

Private Voxer M-F,
 Plus ten 1:1 calls,  
3 month minimum, 
$1111/mo or $3000 paid in full

I'm in! Voxer Only

Private Voxer M-F,
3 month minimum,
$555/month or $1500 paid in full


Come Get To Know Me More

No one can really fit onto one page, but if you wanna learn more about my story, odd quirks and hobbies, and how I got to where I am today, dive in some more!

more about elle